Sunday, November 11, 2007


The problem with being at the top is this- there's only one way to go....

I was working for the Utah Transit Authority when they won the APTA Transit
System of
the Year award for 2002. Shortly after UTA recieved the honor, they underwent a
reorganization based largely on employee input. UTA General Manager John
English told
us, we might be a good transit agency, but that being a great transit agency (as
the award
would suggest we already were) is something that must be continually strived
for. Touting
statistics that we are better than most in one way or another is fine, but we
should be
trying to be the best.

BTW, a 1/10 of one percent of boardings as a crime rate on MAX is horrible.
That's almost
guaranteeing a regular passenger will be a victim of a crime every couple/few
years. If
Trimet considers that acceptable I'm embarrassed to be an employee here.

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